Monday, December 23, 2013

Bogus or Real?

The "Eddy" Report! <== click it to view Report! *
the actual site: NBC world N3Ws
The report from Alex Smith seemed to contain no biases from his viewpoint; but, he did show the view points and opinions of important and non important political figures. It is proven thought that the man, Thami Jantji, was not signing anything correctly. Most of his hand movements where child like movements that had no meaning. That is why many individuals were infuriated from seeing his signing skills. From reading this report, it seems that Smith was, for the most part, reporting the incident and showing the hostile attitude from very important people that saw the interpreter.

Audience? Was mainly for the individuals who knew that the interpreter was faking this signing abilities. The constant tone was of hate and confusion for why this incident occurred. Smith does this by showing, again, the opposing view points and what the government is trying to do to solve this problem.

a). I tried do a background check on smith, but it seems he does not want any information about himself posted online. If I was able to find some bit of information, I would have liked to see whether Smith was African or not, because this would say if he truly was also hostile towards Thami Jantji. Smith uses the governments response as his ethos; for, the government stated that the problem was a moral issue towards people who were deaf. I do trust this author, for Smith uses real professionals opinions and facts about the incident. This proves that Thami was both insulting the signing language, and his ignorance of signing.

b). This report did not affect me emotionally, for I am not a citizen of Africa, or I never knew Nelson Mandela for what he truly did while he was alive. Smith was able to manipulate one feeling, and this was the feeling of insecurity. Why? For, this is an example how things can slip through the most "securest" locations. It amazed me that the hosts of the memorial service could have allowed such a character to perform his task; and, they did not even change him during the service either.

c). Almost all of the view points that smith used were legitimate, but the only aspect that I did not like was how all these view points were from tweets or facebook messages! Not directly from the people. This does alter the opinions of people when they are typing behind a screen rather than expressing their opinions directly to the media. Yet, the people that do make these claims are well known individuals who have background knowledge on signing.
-there were no counter arguments- except for the quotes Smith uses when he says fake.
The author does leave out the reason or comment of Thami, and Smith does not use his name! Smith might have done this for security reasons or from the lack of knowledge this reporter has.
I am still convinced though that the signer was a fake and should be brought in court from the damages he has made towards the family and the deaf community in this world.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

October Work

Notes From Selected Reading

Notes Continued...
pre-Reading activities

Notes from longman Flavio's home etc.

Rhetorical Precis

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Independant Reading

I read it, but felt I needed to re-read it once more. I did not explain it during symposium.
In my opinion only worth half of the pages, for again I did not want to explain this book. This does not mean that I did not read. 192 pages, but worth 96.

William, Shakespeare. Othello. New York: Penguin Group, 2001. Print.

Independant Reading


Because I knew more about Frankenstein during the symposium I spoke more about Shelly’s work than Pelicans Shakespeare Othello. In my research, I discovered that Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, was intended to represent the monster as her self; for, Mary had a terrible your childhood. Also, due to her very unattractive physical appearance men would not care to marry her. She was devastated by the fact that her prospects of marrying where slim because of her appearance. Yet, from Frankenstein, I interpreted her book as her attempt to make society less judgmental of physical appearance, by giving the monster, made by Frankenstein, a large intelligence capable of performing tasks that the ordinary person could not have done. Sadly, everyone who saw him tried to either run away from him or kill him. Yet, the monster wanted to talk to some one and to be able to express his feelings. I explained both of these ideas to our group, and they thought it made sense.  They believed this book was indeed a horror and in part romance genre of book. Both Frankenstein and Othello deserve to be in the cannon for both books involve using morals and in depth material that can be picked up right away. Frankenstein cause me to change my ideas about being judgmental and being prejudiced towards people I know not. Lastly, while we were finishing our symposium, we noticed that our books all had some kind of a love based theme. Plus we noticed that all these books were all published around the same time period. This could have been the reason why these used the same kind of genre. 
 Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York: Penguin Group, 2008. Print     
326 pages

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Descriptive Essay!

Eddy Garcia
Mrs. Hamilton
English 3AP / 0
10 October 3013
Sitting In a Mass
            Sitting while a Sermon preaches is a very powerful experience. To feel the warmth of the sun being shined onto your face through the stained painted windows is a nice and home feeling I get just by being there. As the sermon preaches, you get a feeling of being revitalized and energized, while standing starts making you sick, from this morning’s breakfast. As you look around the room, you see and feel the adults whispering holy chants that have been passed from generation to generation. You can even smell the 5’o clock coffee drank this morning to wake them selves up. Some do look awake with their clean hair, shoes, and clothes. While others where sloppy, with their slurred speeches and words. Our family seemed to be the half awake and asleep ones, for both my parents where clean, while my little sister and I were wearing sweats and blue Levis©. People actually thought we were twins; we do not look the same! After a few minutes of this self repent we all sat back down. Then the preacher says a verse from the bible and tries to explain it to the best of his abilities. The sermon at the time was about Adam and Eve; and how all men were born good, but once we begin to age. We start to turn bad from the sinful pleasures that plague us during our day. This took about another 30 minutes or so. After, he made everyone stand up and keep their hands up to say and repeat a Holy Mary prayer with him.  Some people quiver while they raise their hands, as if God was in them and shaking them with forgiveness and love. All of the sudden, my mother hits me on the head and told me to pray. I do not. Why? I was never sure, but I always found it interesting to look at the different faces each time I attended a mass. As the sermon nearly ends, one must shake hands with everyone that is sitting near you and say “peace beith with youeth.” Each time I gave my hand out, it felt so odd. For you never knew the person and you might not see them again. It is even worse when you are shaking hands with a slob, whom you saw “striking for gold.” All these emotions always happen when I was at church.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mon Identity!

Eddy Garcia
Eddy the Excited Elephant

Student, Helper, Roll Model, the face of Safety, Track Runner, brother, believer

Be afraid.Be very afraid. of life

Six Word Memoir...
Year's worth of fishing in one week..

Well all through out summer I was fishing on my boat. It was in Rosarito for a week, but it felt like a whole year, but in the end it was worth it. Now I love sport fishing.

Books that caught my eye

Candid Is The One I'm reading at the moment, and nearly to finish.

Long Man reading Journal's plus problems, and essay

Well This includes the T.V short response and Long Man Questions
Long man questions cont. and start of Imagery Essay

Ending of Essay

Notes from all 3 reading works

Just Quick notes "~"= new story

Rhetorical Precis on Blue High Ways Excerpt

This was RD
Final Draft w/ some edits...

My "FRQ" on the Coyote Stories

I tried my best

Notes on the Practice Exam

After the first lesson, I began to understand more words.

Ap English Exam Lessons 1.1-1.3


Saturday, September 7, 2013

B00K Li$T

Topic 1: Redemption                                 
A Christmas Carol                                   
Dante's Inferno                                       
Kite Runners                                           
The Cather and the Rye                          
 Topic 2: Growing Up While facing problems 
House on Mango Street
Farewell to Manzanar
Education of Little tree
Ender's Games 
Dairy of Anne Frank
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Boy in the Stripped Pajamas 
The Giver
Where the Red Fern Grow
Camel Riders 

Topic 3: Promethean "The creation of their creators demise!"  
Sea Wolf                                                                                 
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie                                              

Topic 4: Finding hope in the smallest of things 
The Tale of Desperaux
Left To Tell
The Sun Also Rises

Topic 5: Informational History...                                        

Jesse James                                                                           

Topic 6: I HAVE NO CLU3
 Aesop's Fables
 Aesop's Greek Myths